Friday, September 12
1:00 PM ~ Legends Division Matches Begin
- Players 55 & Older may choose at registration to play in Legends Matches.
- Teams will be comprised of two players from each team playing a net best ball match.
- Team that wins the most matches on Friday afternoon will win 1 point for their respective team
6:00 – 7:00 PM ~ Putting Match Play Championship Match
- Join us at the practice putting green where we will determine this year's Putting Match Play Champion
- The Championship Match & Third Place match will take place starting at approximately 6pm
- Beverage cart will be available throughout the competition, come enjoy a beverage and cheer on your fellow Members
7:00pm - 8:00pm ~ Pairings Party
- Heavy Hors D'oeuvres will be provided
- Bar will be open - all alcohol is to the individual
- Your partner & opponents for all Matches will be revealed
- Spouses welcome
Saturday, September 13
7:00am ~ Range Opens with breakfast buffet available upstairs in clubhouse
8:20am ~ Team Meetings on 1 & 10 tee
8:30am ~ Team procession and reading of the Silver Cup Creed
8:45am ~ Announcements & Rules
9:00am ~ Shotgun start (Four Ball Matches)
- Four Ball (Best Ball) Format:
You and your partner play an opposing two man-team in a Best Ball match. Each player plays his own ball throughout each hole, the low net score between you and your partner is the team score for the hole. Lowest team score on the hole wins. The low handicap player in the foursome plays at Zero and the other players receive strokes based on the difference in their course handicaps
11:00am ~ Grill set up at the turn through 4pm
2:15pm ~ Shotgun start (Foursomes Matches)
Foursomes (Alternate Shot) Format:
You and the same partner play and opposing two-man team in an Alternate Shot match. One player on each team tees off on the Odd number holes and the other player tees off from the Even numbered. Handicaps are determined using USGA recommended 50% of handicaps using world handicap system. Team handicap will be adjusted based on the difference in team handicaps stroking off the low team handicap in the group.
Sunday, September 14
7:00am ~ Range Opens with breakfast buffet available upstairs in clubhouse
8:40am ~ Announcements & Rules
9:00am ~ Shotgun start (Singles Matches)
Singles Matches Format
You play and opposing team member in a Singles Match. The low handicap player in the match plays at Zero and the other player receives strokes based on the difference in the course handicaps