Saturday/Sunday September 13 / 14
9am Shotgun Start both days (36 holes on Saturday)


$325 per player billed to your account (Legends Division price TBD - see below for further information on Legends Division).  The Entry Fee Includes hors d’oeuvres at the Friday Night Pairing Party, breakfast & LUNCH both days, Captains’ Tee Gift and Winning Team Prize. 



Two (2) Sixty Man Teams (Red & Green) - See Eligibility


Saturday AM - Four-Ball Matches:  Match in which two players from the Red Team play their better ball against the better ball of two players from the Green Team. Full handicaps are used for these matches, playing off the lowest handicap player in the foursome.  The format is Match Play. 

Saturday PM - Foursome Matches:  Match in which two players from the Red team play against two players from the Green team, and each side plays one ball in an Alternate Shot Format.  One team member will tee off on EVEN numbered holes, and the other on ODD numbered holes.  Each team handicap is determined as follows:  50% of the two players’ combined course handicaps – play off the team with the lowest handicap. The format is Match Play.


Sunday AM - Singles Matches:  Each team member from the Red team plays a singles match against a player from the Green Team.  Full Handicaps will be used for this competition – playing off the lowest handicap player.  The format is Match Play.


Match Play Scoring.

Match Won: 1 point for your team
Match Tied: ½ point each for your team

No points for losing a match

The pro shop will post each of the player’s scores for the Saturday Four-Ball and Sunday Single matches to GHIN.


The Legends division is an opportunity for our Senior Members to participate in Silver Cup without playing 54 holes over two days.  Details are as follows:

  • Players 55 & Older that have played in a prior Silver Cup may choose at registration to play in Legends Matches.
  • Matches will be played on Friday Only - tee times begin at 1:00pm
  • Players will play for their respective team from past years
  • Matches will consist of two players from each team playing a net best ball match
  • The team that wins the most matches on Friday afternoon will win 1 point for their respective team going into Saturday matches



The field will be held to a Maximum of 60 players per Team (120 Players).  Priority is based on Membership Classification and Tenure at the Club as follows:          

  • Equity Unrestricted Members who have played in the past and are already on the Red or Green Team.
  • Equity Restricted/Intermediate Members that have played in the past and are already on the Red or Green Team
  • Equity Unrestricted Members who have never played will be drafted to a team.                                   
  • Equity Restricted/Intermediate Members who have never played will be drafted to a team.
  • Non-Equity who have played in the past and are already on the Red or Green Team.
  • Non-Equity Members that have never played will be placed on the Draft List and drafted to a team if space is available.



Player of the Year points are awarded based on the players’ results in each of their three (3) matches and a bonus for being on the winning team.  See the MGA Members Handbook for details on point allocation.